Since our very modest beginnings in 2003 the Saleen Club Of America has always had a membership with a very giving heart. From fulfilling the needs of other individual club members to supporting charities at events the SCOA members have always stood up the the challenge and given back to those most in need.
For the past several years the SCOA has chosen a charity to support at every Nationals event and several Regional, State and local events. The Nationals event alone has afforded the SCOA the opportunity to donate over $50,000 to many different national, regional and local charities, mostly child related. We are especially grateful to all those that participate in our events and give back to our communities in so many ways.
Donation Recipients:
Children’s of Alabama 2015
Akron Children’s Hospital 2016
Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia Research 2017 (In honor of Sergio Perciballi)
Levine Children’s Hospital 2018
National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation 2019 (In honor of Dennis Barnhill)
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals 2020
empowerHER & The Light Foundation 2021